Jewl Of The Lotus

the sound that strengthens compassion in all enlightened beings. om mani padme hum.


2013 … Best. Year. Ever.

I’ve been saying it for a while now, but 2013 really has been my best year ever. So much has happened. So much has changed. I have changed. I feel like I’m a completely different person than I was one year ago. I don’t think I’d even recognize the me from two years ago....


Wow, 2011 Was Pretty Awesome

I can’t believe 2011 is over… seriously… I can’t. Fastest. Year. Ever. 2011 was phenomenal. Insane. Exhilarating. Awesome. Joyful. Busy. Just all around generally incredible. Probably my favorite year in my <27 years of existence. Here’s just a few reasons why: Marriage – Best day of my life. We did it!! And it was...


Donate: Help My Friend Pay Her Medical Bills

Hello all. A good friend of mine is going through a very rough time and could use some help paying off her medical bills, please help if you can. You can submit your donations to: GoFundMe It would be the best Christmas gift she could ever receive. For more on her story, visit: Living...


Farewell to a Legacy

As many of you know, I’ll soon be saying good-bye to the car that I’ve been driving for almost 10 years now. My 1993 Pontiac Grand Prix. The Prix has seen her share of good days and bad. From road trips to roadsides, I could always count on an exciting time. She’s come quite...


I’m on WordPress!

Yay! I’ve made the Mephisto-WordPress conversion and now have one less mongrel process eating up resources on my slice :) Lovely theme, eh? It’s called Color Paper and it’s FREE from Smashing Magazine. That is all for now… stay tuned – cool things should start to happen soonish ;)


It’s Alive!!

Very nice. Had to save this one :) Get Your Cyborg Name


I Admit It…I Suck At Blogging

And it’s taken me a whole week to write a post that says I suck at this… Well, maybe I’ll go for more of a tumble log type setup – that way I can be short, sweet and simple. Then again… how would that be any different from my Twitter account ? Well, maybe...


Twitter: My More Regularly Updated Mini-Blog

follow jewlofthelotus at Well, since I don’t really have a lot of time to write more than one blog post per month, I figured I’d link you all to my Twitter page where I have the chance to post once or twice a day. You can find me at Add me if...


Post-grad ideas (and the story of my college career)

Post-graduate plans are something that I’ve been thinking about rather frequently since the beginning of the new year. To really see where I’m coming from, I guess I should tell you how I got to where I am now…


New Semester, New Life

Well, it’s been an entire month since my last post. It’s not that I haven’t had anything to write about – I’ve just been really, really busy. We’re three weeks into the spring semester now and classes are going pretty well. I’m taking: TC448 – Scripting Web 2.0 ADV456 – Interactive Advertising REL491 –...


Winter Break, Here I Come!

My apologies for the downtime. Over a long weekend of unsuccessfully attempting to launch my Rails app on Dreamhost, I managed to also break my JewloftheLotus site. Well now that my final ( one and only final) is over, I had a chance to sit down and fix the problem. So, I’m back! Coming...


What NOT to do if you’re the MPAA

This is a satirical article posted on BBSpot that had WAY too many of us fooled… To sum it up: The MPAA defines a home theater as any home with a television larger than 29” with stereo sound and at least two comfortable chairs, couch, or futon. Anyone with a home theater would need...


Student tasered multiple times at UCLA library for not having his ID

Remember a few days ago, when we saw LAPD officers repeatedly punching an arrested man in the face before cuffing him? Well, that video prompted an FBI investigation. Here’s a new video, taken by a student’s camera phone, displaying similar police brutality, again, in Los Angelas. The student was asked to leave the library...


Friday the 13th

Well the bad luck of Friday the 13th started a day early this year. On Thursday the 12th (of _October_!), it snowed. This is the earliest snowfall Michigan has seen in somewhere around the last 125 years. I like snow…but not until the end of November, and only until the middle of January. Any...


Happy Cats

Well I just wanted to post an update so you all would know that the kids are getting along just fine. My roommate found them like this last night… ! (Gibby & Georgie)! Maybe one of the cutest things ever.


YAY, New Kitten!!

I love cats, I always have. So, I _had_ to get a kitten of my own. KT, my last roommate, left her cat here when she moved out. Gibby (KT’s cat), had a brief friendship with our subleaser’s kitten, Maya. But when Maya left, Gibby was pretty sad. So I got her a new...